All it takes is 3 weeks

Since it’s almost the new year, and weight loss is just about everyone’s resolution, I figure it’s time to share the magic secret to losing weight.

And all it takes is dedication for 21 days.

It’s science, calories in vs. calories out. It’s proven, it’s a fact, and if you count your calories you will lose weight.

(there are some very rare instances where you won’t)

I read somewhere that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, and it worked for me.

Count your calories like your life depends on it for 21 days, that is the hardest part.
The first 3 weeks is hard, but once you’re past that it’s a piece of cake.

Speaking of cake, you can eat cake!

I have tried so many fad diets before and they have all failed me. It’s ridiculous to think I’ll never eat cake again. Or pasta. A few months before I started counting my calories my mother told me the trick to losing weight is to stop eating pasta and bread. Bread and pasta can be high in calories, but that doesn’t mean you can’t eat it! Cutting out everything you love about food is setting yourself up for failure.


April 2014 I weighed my self for the first time in a long time and found out that i weighed 214 lbs. That number really hurt to see. Christmas day 2012 I weighed 212 lbs, and I was also 40 weeks pregnant. How could a year and a half after giving birth could I possibly weigh more than I did when I was 9 months pregnant.


That was my motivation.
I’ve lost 55 lbs, and now I’m at a healthy weight.


Here are my tips for your weight loss success:

Dedicate 21 days to start. No cheat days, no slack off days. Dedicate 3 weeks to really stick with it.
Take the worst before pictures you can. It really helped me on days I thought nothing had changed to look at how far I had come. And you can also take your measurements.

Figure how many calories you need to be eating. A good starting point is to get your BMR (which is basically how many calories it takes to maintain your current weight if you laid in bed all day). Once you know that number, let’s say 2,000 , eat less than that. 500 calories less than your BMR is the standard calorie deficit. Men do not eat less than 1,500 calories. and ladies DO NOT EAT LESS THAN 1,200 calories. I’ve seen so many horror stories of women eating less than 1,200 and their hair falling out, and other bad bad things happening to their body. Do. Not. Do. It.

Count. Pick how you want to count your calories. You could just write them down in a notebook I used myfitnesspal until i reached my goal. I like myfitnesspal because you can scan barcodes on food, and it will tell you how much you will weigh in 5 weeks if you keep doing what you’re doing.

Don’t cheat yourself. If it goes in your mouth you need to count it. Cheating on your counting is only cheating yourself of the results you deserve. Count everything you eat, and count it accurately.

Cheat days. Once you’re past the 21 days you can cheat. On cheat days don’t eat more than your BMR.
You can eat what you want as long as it’s within your daily calories. You’ll learn as you go, and it becomes very easy. It is hard at first. If you stick with it you will lose weight.

You can do it! You can stick with it! Then you can pass this along to your friends and help them.

BTW, I’m not a doctor nor nutritionist. I’m a regular human who was tired of being over weight.

Finally down more than 50 lbs

I have been stuck at 50 lbs lost for a couple of weeks. And it was pretty discouraging. I’m officially at 52 lbs lost. I started my weightloss on myfitnesspal, and then stopped using it for a while. Now I’m back on the wagon.

I plan on doing a whole series on my weightloss and all that jazz.

At the moment it’s just impossible to post a lot of blogs using my cell phone internet, which is barely any internet at all.

I want to share my experience because what inspired me to lose weight was seeing someone who had my starting weight. At the time, I couldn’t relate to 100 lb weightloss stories. It resonated more with me to see a girl who was my size, and where she went.

I’m 5’7″ and my starting weight was 214 lbs. I’m now at 162 lbs.

Once our home internet is all set up I’ll share how I did it, what helped me, and all the pictures in between.

I started my journey on myfitnesspal, and now im back on. My name on there is merglittle is you want to be my friend!